Mixed leaf litter decomposition and N, P release with a focus on Phyllostachys edulis (Carrière) J. Houz. forest in subtropical southeastern China

Lei Shi, Shaohui Fan, Zehui Jiang, Lianghua Qi, Guanglu Liu


As an important non-wood forest product and wood substitute, Moso bamboo grows extremely rapidly and hence acquires large quantities of nutrients from the soil. With regard to litter decomposition, N and P release in Moso bamboo forests is undoubtedly important; however, to date, no comprehensive analysis has been conducted. Here, we chose two dominant species (i.e., Cunninghamia lanceolata and Phoebe bournei), in addition to Moso bamboo, which are widely distributed in subtropical southeastern China, and created five leaf litter mixtures (PE100, PE80PB20, PE80CL20, PE50PB50 and PE50CL50) to investigate species effects on leaf litter decomposition and nutrient release (N and P) via the litterbag method. Over a one-year incubation experiment, mass loss varied significantly with litter type (P < 0.05). The litter mixtures containing the higher proportions (≥80%) of Moso bamboo decomposed faster; the remaining litter compositions followed Olson’s decay mode well (R2 > 0.94, P < 0.001). N and P had different patterns of release; overall, N showed great temporal variation, while P was released from the litter continually. The mixture of Moso bamboo and Phoebe bournei (PE80PB20 and PE50PB50) showed significantly faster P release compared to the other three types, but there was no significant difference in N release. Litter decomposition and P release were related to initial litter C/N ratio, C/P ratio, and/or C content, while no significant relationship between N release and initial stoichiometric ratios was found. The Moso bamboo–Phoebe bournei (i.e., bamboo–broadleaved) mixture appeared to be the best choice for nutrient return and thus productivity and maintenance of Moso bamboo in this region.


litterbag; litter decomposition; litter mixture; mixed mode; Moso bamboo; nutrient return; N release; P release

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