3 files

App for extracting texture features from digital raw CC view mammograms

Version 2 2017-08-09, 20:37
Version 1 2017-05-11, 11:28
posted on 2017-08-09, 20:37 authored by Chao WangChao Wang
This is the app for a paper presented in the upcoming 8th International Breast Density and Cancer Risk Assessment Workshop ("A novel and fully automated breast cancer risk measurement based on digital mammographic texture: evidence from two case-control studies"). It extracts useful mammographic texture features that are predictive of cancer risk.

Requires MATLAB Runtime 9.1 or above! If you are not sure what to do, download the installer (MyAppInstaller_web.exe) and install. The app is also packed in a ZIP file which contains the executable file (mmtext.exe) without installation as well as a MATLAB app package.


Cancer Research UK
