
Metabolism in prostate cancer tissue analysed with MALDI-TOF MSI

Posted on 2021-01-20 - 15:14 authored by Maria Karoline Andersen
Processed data sets from MALDI-TOF (Rapiflex Tissuetyper) mass specrometry imaging (MSI) of human prostate cancer tissue.

Tissue sections: Human prostate cancer, 45 samples from 15 patients. Two consecutive sections were taken from each sample; one for negative and one for positive ion mode.

Acquisition description: Two aquisitions were performed, negative ion mode within mass range m/z 40-1000 using N-(1-Naphthyl) Ethylenediamine Dinitrate (NEDC) as matrix, and negative ion mode within mass range m/z 100-1000 using 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) as matrix. One row represent one pixel-spectrum, and each are given an ID that represents the patient number, the sample number and spot number, e.g. P03S2_Spot.1234567.

Data sets contains: Intensities for 136 (NEDC) and 167 (DHB) selected masses for ~188 000 spectra.

Metadata sets contains: Histology types (non-cancer epithelium (NCE) = 1, Stroma = 2 and Cancer = 3) and patient origin (numbered 1-15) for each pixel spectrum.

Peak lists: First column contains extracted m/z-values and second column contains the metabolite and lipid identification for some of the m/z-values.


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