  • 期刊

Is high sodium intake associated with hearing impairment? The association between spot urine sodium concentration and hearing threshold in Korean adolescents


Background and Objectives: High sodium intake is a well-known risk factor for diseases such as cardiovascular and renal disease. There may also be links between sodium intake and inner ear symptoms. However, the available data are limited, and clinicians remain suspicious about sodium intake and hearing threshold. We analyzed the relationship between spot urine sodium concentration and sensorineural hearing loss in Korean adolescents. Methods and Study Design: A total of 534 subjects, aged 12–19 years old, were enrolled in this study. Sex, age, hearing threshold, and overnight spot urine sodium concentration were measured. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate the independent effect of sodium intake on hearing level. Results: Higher urine sodium concentrations were observed in subjects with hearing impairment in 2000, 3000 and 4000 Hz. After adjusting for sex, age and BMI, we found an association between urine sodium concentration and sensorineural hearing loss in 500, 2000, 3000 and 4000 Hz. Conclusion: Our results suggest that high sodium intake might be associated with hearing impairment.
